#Industry News
ASTM awarded Dr. Niklas Christensson for developing D8193 Standard Test Method
For years now eralytics has been a leading pioneer in eco-efficient oil-in-water and oil-in soil testing. Based on this experience eralytics’ CEO Dr. Niklas Christensson developed the new ASTM standard D8193.
In an official ceremony ASTM awarded Dr. Christensson for his “exemplary work in D19.06 developing D8193 Standard Test Method for Total Oil and Grease (TOG) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) in Water and Wastewater with Solvent Extraction Using Non-Dispersive Mid-IR Transmission Spectroscopy.”
We congratulate him sincerely on this success.
ERACHECK ECO is now the only IR analyzer on the market which is fully compliant to the newly published standard and highly appreciated by the industry demanding highly precise and eco-efficient oil-in-water analysis