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#White Papers

Practical overview of ATEX zones and ATEX equipment

Ex-Machinery explains 'which ATEX equipment may be used in which ATEX zone?'

Within Europe, when electronic or electrical equipment of any kind is intended for use in a potentially hazardous area, the equipment must be ATEX-certified – per the EU directive 2014/34, which is more commonly known as the ATEX 114 directive (derived from the French: ATmospheres EXplosives). ATEX equipment is classified into groups and categories which are defined by the markings on the equipment. Hazardous areas are divided into zones – according to how likely a potentially explosive atmosphere may be present. For many of our clients, the dilemma is how to know which ATEX equipment may be used in which zone. As specialists in ATEX and explosion safety, Ex-Machinery provides an easy reference guide to help answer these questions. Let’s have a look…


  • Amerweg 4, 3336 Zwijndrecht, Netherlands
  • Gido van Tienhoven, Ex-Machinery