#Product Trends
Last September 5th, it was held the Official Opening Ceremony of the facility that Mahindra Auto Steel has built in partnership with Mitsui and China Steel in the city of Chakan, near Pune, India. A Fagor’s team led by its CEO, Mr. Balzategui, attended the event. In the new plant, Fagor Arrasate has installed a new advanced servoblanking line that includes all the current state-of-the-art devices. The top managers of the Indian Company congratulated Fagor Arrasate because the excellence shown along the whole project. An installation that has successfully exceed all the technical challenges, fulfillment of delivery time and quality goals.
This servoblanking line includes an automatic system for loading the coils, motorized uncoiler, leveler with automatic change of cartridges, extractable washer, cyclical feeding rolls developed for processing high quality surface steel, servopress and an electromagnetic stacker with two cradles. The servopress has a capacity of 8,000 KN with bolster’s dimensions of 5,000 x 2,600 mm. It has also a system for the automatic change of dies. The line also includes a swinging die able to cut trapezoids at high speed.
Servoblanking lines allow a significant increment of productivity if compared with the conventional ones, with speeds up to 120 m/min and output of 90 parts/min. The line has been optimized for processing exposed material, “05” type, aimed to manufactured automobile’s outer parts where an extreme care of surface quality must be assured.