#Product Trends
Smart technologies in waste water treatment plants : the drum filter 4.0
FAIVRE, as a leading company for water treatment since 1958, has developed a new generation of drum filter for waste water treatment. Named Smart Filter, this drum filter follows the development of smart water treatment plants.
Nowadays, many people have an unequal access to water resources. As the world population is increasing, the water resources are not enough for everyone. Water scarcity results from this population growing and everything that it includes such as the development of agricultural production (which represents more than 70% of the world's water resources) and the climate change which is responsible for droughts, floods, water contamination, etc.
Populations and governments must find solutions to preserve water resources but first, it is important to safeguard waste water treatment processes. Thus, smart water treatment plants are constructed or equipped with new technologies to ensure the quality of water before its reject in nature.
As a leading company for water treatment, FAIVRE has decided to design a smart machine for the tertiary filtration. Therefore is born the Smart Filter, an innovative drum filter conceived for the tertiary treatment in waste water treatment plants.
Thanks to the new technologies imported by FAIVRE's engineers, Smart Filter informs in real time of its data and potential faults to signal any dysfunctional to the operator. Furthermore, the drum filter Smart Filter gives a continuous recall of the programmed maintenance to facilitate the drum filter's upkeep.
With its smart components, the control of one (or more) filter(s) remotely is also possible to keep an eye on the machine anytime.
This Smart technology has already seduced different countries and companies. Several Smart Filter are already settled on the Asiatic continent en European continent as well.
Choosing our Smart Filter contributes to the development of new generation waste water treatment plants. These smart technologies are the symbol of future and safeguard water resources !