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#Product Trends

NEW: extraction system by F.A.S.T. GmbH

Mobile Extraction System

A dangerous situation in a manhole may occur when hazardous gases get into the manhole from the outside or are generated in the manhole.

Excerpt from the special edition issued by the professional association:

Gas-related hazards in manholes

In order to eliminate gas-related hazards in manholes, preventive measures have to be taken before the manhole is entered. A recommended safety measure is the application of high-capacity fans. In the field, this kind of extraction is applied at the deepest point of the manhole. "Extraction of air = 4 x volume of the manhole".

The mobile extraction unit by F.A.S.T GmbH is supplied as a compact unit with EX protected motor version (Typ VARW 225/2 EX)

Optionally, the extraction system is also equipped with a variable flow ( extraction- insufflation- function ) available.


  • F.A.S.T. GmbH