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#Product Trends


The most popular types are the following ones. NH2 is the most used on injection machines nozzles and it is tipically fitted with two unipolar leads ; type NH1 is plastic tight and the tripolar armoured cable is crimped inside a tube connecting it to the heating body. NHMD type is a high watt density heater which fits with high working temperature in case of technical thermoplastic materials or fiberglass filled materials. Nozzle heater type NHAC is the most popular on Hot Runner nozzles to inject PET. BCSR nozzle heaters are fitted with a st. steel reflection tube outside and a brass inner tube to better distribute heat , thus saving energy . The completeness of our range of products offers FEPA''s customers an experienced and reliable supplier of innovative and effective solutions.

In our website you will find all technical specifications in addition the types of nozzle heaters which have not been mentioned in this bulletin .


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