#Industry News
Why a vertical lift module (VLM) is a real investment
It is not just a matter of logistical efficiency. The advantages of an automatic vertical storage system are also measured in its ability to generate value for the company: the so-called ROI, that is, the return on investment. In the case of systems that take advantage of automation, this is determined by a set of values that translate into concrete benefits and savings: the optimization of space, for example, which frees up areas for other activities with no need to resort to expansions; or the reduction of errors and accurate inventory control, which guarantee less waste and better service to customers. There is also the safety and quality of work that increase and positively affect production processes. Last but not least, there is the possibility of benefiting from the advantages provided for in the Industry 4.0 digital transformation of industrial processes. Let’s take a detailed look at some of the main aspects that enable companies to obtain a concrete and measurable return on investment following the adoption of an automatic vertical storage system.
It is perhaps the most obvious of the advantages: the use of vertical space for the storage system enables a reduction in the surface area needed and this translates into an optimization of the available space. An example? With the Ferretto Spa Vertimag automatic storage system, it is possible to make the most of the available height, thus saving up to 90% of the space needed for storage at ground level, which is a significant result in practical terms. It provides the opportunity to make maximum use of the available space, improving the organization of the areas or assigning them to other productive activities such as the improvement of the product range or the introduction of new technologies or systems. For those who do not have the logistical or economic possibility to expand buildings, the transition to vertical automation eliminates the need for relocations or the use of new structures which again translates into significant savings considering the cost of production space.
It is not just a matter of efficiency. Ensuring the best working conditions for operators is not only a “must” but also a smart move for a company. Automatic storage systems enable operating processes to be transformed into quality and safety procedures. Consider the case of the Ergo-Tech Bay for vertical storage systems: this exclusive Ferretto Spa system ensures that picking operations are carried out with the best ergonomics. In this way, operators are no longer forced to move around and engage in tiring or dangerous tasks: it is indeed a great leap in terms of working conditions as well as safety since the possibility of accidents is drastically reduced. Thus there is a leap in not only quality and safety but also results because thanks to the training and continuous support of our technicians, logistics personnel improve their skills in order to better manage an automatic system, making the most of its potential. In short, there are many direct advantages for operators that also become a great added value for the company.
Precision and speed are two of the competitive factors that distinguish automatic systems from traditional ones. And they are factors that directly affect the production capacity of a company, especially at a time when so many sectors are characterized by just in time demand. The added value generated by the “goods to man” management typical of vertical storage systems is very high because it significantly increases performance and eliminates picking errors. Let’s take another look at a concrete example. The broad range of accessories of the New Vertimag was developed precisely with efficient picking in mind: from tray dividers to the handy sliding console to laser pointers, alphanumeric LED bars, and put-to-light systems. They are all tools that enable operators to work better, much faster and with astonishing accuracy. These are the roots of efficient and timely service for the full satisfaction of customers.
In addition to speed and safety, another interesting aspect related to the return on investment in choosing an automatic vertical storage system is the ability to manage stock with great precision. Fully automated and equipped with reliable tracking systems, these machines make it possible to reduce the volumes stored avoiding the risk of going out of stock or unnecessarily tying up capital. The integration of the storage system management software with the company ERP ensures optimized management of the flows and inventory control that is always up to date.
Space optimization, safety and quality, management efficiency, and increased productivity: are just some of the many factors that turn the cost of a vertical automatic storage system into a real investment, thus becoming the ideal logistics solution for companies in the most diverse sectors. To learn more, look at our Case Studies concerning companies that are already benefiting from automation and learn more about the Ferretto's range of vertical automatic storage systems.