#White Papers
The advantages of a custom-made storage system
Every company has its own needs - internal, sector-related, market-related - and only a custom-made logistics system can guarantee effective answers to such needs.
There are standard storage systems and tailor-made storage systems. Ferretto Spa has always opted for the second solution. With more than 65 years of experience in the sector, the company knows that a customised solution really makes the difference. We start from the analysis of the customer’s needs and goals. According to these, we design the most suitable logistics system in terms of structure and technology, in order to always guarantee efficiency, reliability and competitiveness.
Your company is unique. And so are its logistics needs.
Thanks to automation, a storage system is an extremely complex system that can and must meet the requirements of companies in terms of space optimization, flow management, product traceability, flexibility and safety of goods and operators. These factors can vary considerably depending on how a specific company is organized, the industry sector and the reference market, with the related trends and seasonality. Within this context, an efficient storage system is a strategic choice and the process must start from the analysis of the most decisive factors for the company’s competitiveness.
The most important factors are the following:
the space available
the type of product
the quantity and size of the unit loads (UL)
the inbound and outbound flows and the time they require
the management of stocks
the number of handling operations that generate corresponding picking activities
the safety of operators and goods.
Designing a “tailor-made” storage system
At Ferretto Spa we always start from understanding and analysing the customer’s needs. This is the first important step in the design and development of the most suitable solution, which is possible thanks to the high flexibility and customisation ensured by automatic storage systems. The success of this customisation process greatly depends on new technologies and on the warehouse management software, which practically is the “brain” of the logistics system and controls it in the most efficient manner according to the previously identified needs and goals.
Software designed for your company
The management software of Ferretto Spa’s storage solutions is designed in-house. The WMS (Warehouse Management System) manages and controls all the operations performed in the warehouse and is integrated with the customer’s ERP system. A WMS designed according to a company’s specific needs allows the warehouse potential to be fully exploited in terms of:
• management and control of materials and stock
• flow management
• error reduction
• remote control
• preventive maintenance
The WMS can store and analyse a large quantity of data, meaning that it is not just a management system but a tool that the company can use to start improvement processes guided by the collected KPIs.
Designing with virtual simulation
Technology is an important ally in the design and construction of a truly tailor-made storage system. Among the different tools available, Ferretto Spa has invested on dynamic simulation. This solution allows designers to create a “virtual storage system” and thus test its functionality considering all the factors involved in order to resolve any critical issues and assess the possible solutions: from inbound/outbound to time-related flows, from picking stations to goods handling speed. The model actually replicates the organization, characteristics and operating modes of the automatic storage system in the conditions in which it will work in reality.
The benefits of a custom-made storage system: the example of Vertimag
A custom-made storage system, therefore, requires no compromise and allows the company to fully exploit all the opportunities offered by its own logistics system. In order for this to happen, it is essential to be able to rely on a flexible and highly customizable product. This is the case of Vertimag, the automatic vertical storage system developed by Ferretto Spa that, thanks to its flexibility, has proven to be the ideal solution for companies in all industry sectors.
The added value of flexibility
In addition to actually optimizing the occupied space, Vertimag can manage materials in any format, weight and size thanks to the wide range of versions available. Customers, in fact, can choose from among 15 models, ranging between 3 and 12 metres in height, having a maximum load bearing capacity of 70,000 kg and capable of storing materials with a height of up to 695 mm.
All the space needed
The vertical structure of a storage system like Vertimag makes it possible to reduce the occupied surface area by up to 90% compared to a traditional solution. In this way, the available room is fully exploited, improving the organization of the various areas or freeing up space for other production activities.
120 solutions for different storage needs
With 120 combinations of tray sizes, Vertimag can store the most diverse items as trays are available in 5 lenghts, 3 depths, 4 tray side heights and 4 capacities. Companies can thus count on the necessary modular structure and adaptability when managing flows to meet the requirements of continuously changing markets.
Ergonomics and safety at work
The 6 types of bay available offer the best working conditions for operators. In fact, safety and ergonomics are always guaranteed by the height and structure of the storage systems. Picking operations are thus simpler, more comfortable and more precise, independently of the size, shape and weight of the handled items.
Total control of the warehouse
Automation ensures constant monitoring of the warehouse. At any moment operators can check stocks and flows, as well as the position and quantity of the available products. This improves order management and preparation, which can be tailored to the specific requests received by the company.
Many accessories and exactly the ones you need
The customisation of the storage system also offers the opportunity to choose from among several accessories which make Vertimag the most efficient solution for specific production and picking needs.
The available accessories include:
• sliding console
• shutter
• tray extraction trolley
• laser pointer
• alphanumeric led bar
• barcode/QR code reader
• piece counter
• label printer
• badge/Eks reader
A tailor-made storage system
These are only some of the many advantages ensured by a customised logistics solution designed according to a company’s specific needs. From structural aspects to management software and picking systems: a custom-made storage system makes company organization as well as materials storage and handling more efficient, thus paving the way to the achievement of business targets.
Differently from a standard product, a tailored solution offers a tangible competitive advantage.