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#Industry News

New production layouts

Cobots as an answer to operating distances

The health emergency is revolutionizing industrial production structures; manufacturing companies must reorganize tasks, work shifts, workstations.

And they must do it quickly, because the sudden stop and the subsequent resumption of many activities is creating an increase in demand which leads to consequent production peaks.

It is therefore necessary to equip as soon as possible with solutions that allow to work faster and respecting operating distances.

How to accelerate productivity with Cobot

- They perform most of the repetitive operations, such as tightening, thus allowing to better use the skills of

operators on other value-added activities

- They have much more compact dimensions than anthropomorphic robots and can therefore be easily

integrated into already operational layouts: it will be possible to maintain larger spaces between operators, respecting the distances imposed by the current health emergency

- They offer great operational flexibility of the processes: they can be programmed to operate in reduced mode when a person enters the keep-out zone and resume full speed when the person moves away

- They can be reprogrammed quickly and used for different tightening applications, which makes them the perfect choice also for low volume productions or for changing work flows with rapid changes of operational set-up.

New production layouts


  • Viale Francesco Crispi, 123, 36100 Vicenza VI, Italy
  • Fiam spa