#Product Trends
Tightening with automatic screwfeeder and poka- yoke system: production cycles reliable and faster
Fast and continuous tightening due to the automatic screw feeding to a screwdriver (without manual operations as picking and placing the screws), with practical and convenient POKA-YOKE and error proof device coupled to the screwdriver, the operator is being notified the results at the end of each cycle. Thanks to LED, beeps and the device's display, in case of errors the operator is warned about the outcome and he can quickly move to the next assembly operation.
With these proven tightening systems the advantages are:
- Extremely fast production cycles (saving over 40% of cycle time)
- Final products that do not require expensive post-process controls (in terms of time and especially product waste) since the errors are immediately intercepted blocking the assembly line, in order to prevent the waste to reach the end of the cycle, thus preventing manufacturing costs involved to the waste.
- Pay back of the investment in a very short time.
For more information and demos of solutions EASY DRIVER CA + TOM directly in your production site, please contact: customerservice@fiamairtools.com