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#Industry News

To grow in the pasta sector

FoodTech a reality at the service of the customer.

FOODTECH has always worked both with big-size and small companies, in Italy and abroad. The experience in the pasta sector suggests that, in order to obtain the best technological performance for the whole product range, the first step is the collaboration between the pasta manufacturer and the equipment supplier. The initial training and the constant support to the manufacturer’s personnel are fundamental in order to make the most of the equipment. This is especially true for with companies in a growing phase, therefore in need of a change in the production processes to improve performance and control technological data.

In 2012 FOODTECH provided a thermal treatment line with 60-100 kg/h capacity, designed to meet the needs of a small pasta manufacturer who needed to process a wide range of products (long or nested, filled, short pasta and dumplings), position the machines in the small available space (the pasteurizer ﷯was installed on the pre-dryer, but the two machines maintained full autonomy) and start applying an automatic management of the process. After three years, FOODTECH is proud to have delivered a new thermal treatment line for tripled production capacity to the same customer, who – thanks to the first small line – has already become familiar with industrial machines and their management with PLC. On the other hand, FOODTECH has always strived to collaborate with the most demanding customers, with an innovating role, to anticipate the changing market demands. It was the exchange of data and expertise with the customers that led FOODTECH to develop customized flexible technical solutions, so that on the﷯same line different products can be treated.

This way, FOODTECH has designed and built multi-purpose machines for pasteurizing, cooking in water or precooking with steam and water spray (in operation for some years now in the USA, for nests and filled pasta), and also thermal treatment lines for pre-cooked dumplings (a popular product in France, developed by a customer who has now decided to focus, always with FOODTECH, even on pre-cooked filled pasta).

The philosophy for FOODTECH is the same: in design and construction, priority is given to flexibility, traceability and easiness of use, cleaning and maintenance, features at the basis of rationalized investments


  • Via Martiri della Libertà, 6, 35012 Camposampiero PD, Italy
  • Food Tech S.r.l.
