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#Industry News

Why choose GESERCO for your oil condition monitoring needs?

Protect your equipment with reliable, fast, and simple analyses using GESERCO solutions.

Proactive monitoring: By regularly checking your lubricants, you can detect early deficiences that could lead to critical machinery failures. This enables you to take preventive actions to protect your equipment and extend its service life.

Reliable results: Our portable mini-laboratories are designed to provide precise measurements, perfectly correlated with current standards, ensuring reliable results on lubricant condition.

Ease of use: Our test kits are designed to be used by any staff, even technicians without laboratory expertise. Our detailed userguides accompany you every step of the way, making testing simple and accessible to all.

Saving time and money: Our portable solutions enable you to carry out tests directly on site, avoiding the cost and time associated with sending samples to external laboratories. This saves you valuable time, enabling you to take rapid action to protect your equipment.


  • Bordeaux, France

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