#Industry News
Fertigungstechnik NORD uses heat recovery
In Gadebusch, Fertigungstechnik NORD, a member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group has successfully implemented a heat recovery concept that captures heat from machine tools and generates ambient heating and hot water for its production facilities and offices.
NORD is continuously improving and expanding the concept to become more and more independent of fossil fuel sourced energy.
Fertigungstechnik NORD implemented the heat recovery using plate-type heat exchangers that are coupled to the machine tools’ cooling systems. The input heat is dissipated via a cooling water circuit and fed into the recovery system. In this central system, two heat pumps generate hot water for heating five production halls and a number of offices. Up to now, Fertigungstechnik NORD has connected more than 80 machines to the system.
Continuous refinement
The recovery system operates without additional heating when outdoor temperatures are above 0 °C. If temperatures drop below zero, the system also uses gas-generated heating. Currently, Fertigungstechnik NORD saves approximately one third of their previous consumption of 583,000 kWh of fossil fuel based energy per year. This corresponds to a reduced CO2 emission of approximately 117 t. This year, the shower water will also be added to the heat recovery system so that no excess heat is dissipated to the environment during the warmer months. In the context of a complete bundle of measures, this once more shows: Resource conservation, cost reduction and environmental performance are firmly established in the NORD Group’s future.