#Product Trends
OCS Oil Sealed Vacuum Systems
The OCS oil recirculation vacuum units are compact, independent, modular units, quick and easy to install and ready for immediate start-up.
Each unit consists of a liquid ring pump in closed loop of mineral oil and of a set of electrical appliances and of auxiliary accessories.
OCS units are standard products whose overall characteristics and performances are superior to those of the water liquid ring pump and to other similar systems
using different types of pump.
The complete line offers a wide range of sizes, for flow rates ranging from 40 to 800 m3 /h of extracted gas , distributed over 6 main frames.
Each structure can fit different sizes of pumps, so as to be able to adapt the performance of the unit, whenever necessary, to any modifications which might be made to the plant.
They are ideal for vacuum centralisation, with two or more pumps working in parallel, managed by a common main panel.
OCS vacuum units are, moreover, the ideal solution to procurement, installation and operation costs. The units are compact, space saving and easy to handle
by normal handling equipment.
The units are supplied with all the auxiliary equipment an accessories required to ensure optimum, reliable and safe operation.
Piping and electric cabling connections are designed to ensure simple and quick installation.
A set of special accessories is available in order to adapt the design of the vacuum unit to the specific application problem.