#Product Trends
TNB New TN8 – TN 9 5 axis
Advantages & performances
5 axis Machining Center TN8 & TN9
of the model, moulds and for the manufacturing
Fork head with high rigidity and precision
Working Area Dimensions
X: TN8 1800 mm – TN9 2500 mm
Y: TN8 3100 mm – TN9 5000 mm
Z: TN8 950 & 1350 mm, TN9 1350 mm
Several configurations of the table
phenolic resin . Parts Fixture either by
Milling Head and Spindle
Orthogonal Head
A Axis +/- 105° C axis +/- 240° or 480
Electro-spindle of 14,5 kW with water
Tools Measuring system included
53, rue
Phone +33 4 77 91 44 00 – Web
Fast Automatic Tools Changer
Linear Automatic Tools Changer embedded
Rotating or Linear Automatic Tools Changer
Ergonomy & Human Machine Interface
The Operator Panel is linked with the machine by a
ergonomic position.
Safety & Integration
Compact frame built in one part
Protection of the operator is done by
TN8 – TN 9
5 axis
corresponds perfectly to the need for the professionals
of forms in resins and Aluminum.
manufactured with gearbox for axis A & C.
– Table at 500 mm from the floor.
according to options selected : Steel, aluminum or
mechanical clamping or by vacuum table.
480° in rotation
Head Office
Scheurer Kestner – 42000 Saint Etienne – FRANCE
Web: www.groupe-mf.com – contact@groupe-mf.com
: TN8 with 8 positions - TN9 with 12 positions
with 12, 16, 24 positions
rotative arm, with a good height and an
safety doors locked in working mode.