#Product Trends
Rotary joints for the wood and furniture industry
Rotary joints are required for feeding media (water, steam, thermal oil, air, etc.) into rotating shafts, rollers or spindles. They are usually positioned at the end of the rotating machine component and form the interface to the stationary pipelines.
The cooling and heating rollers of many types of machine used in the woodworking industry are fed with media in order to ensure the necessary process temperature of the rollers. Rotary joints can be found, for example, in laminating machines, in double-belt presses, in glue application machines or in the inking units of printing machines.
The principal item of all rotary joints is the moving seal. Their reliability and long life span are crucial for the machine operators. In the 9001 series, HAAG + ZEISSLER uses a bellows system as the sealing element, which makes springs or O-rings redundant. A reliable and robust construction. The cartridge system plays to its strengths in continuously operating production plants where long service lives and short maintenance times are important. The robust but somewhat more expensive bellows solution more than pays dividends for the operator, because production standstills cost much, much more.
In case of extreme loads, the higher procurement costs pay for themselves within a few weeks of operation.
The manufacturers of woodworking machines can also benefit from an optimised rotary joint. The rotary joint sits on the end of the shaft. If it is shorter or can even be integrated in the shaft journal of the roller, then the entire machine can be made narrower. Costs can be saved just through the reduced width of the machine frame and the entire support structure with its reinforcements, thus considerably reducing the machine price without loss of quality.
Thanks to the new construction kit system with sealing cartridges and modularly constructed housing assemblies, HAAG + ZEISSLER can deliver almost any rotary joint within a few hours. The stationary connection elements and the rotor flange or thread types desired by the customer are modularly adapted. Different interior tubing variants are covered by integrated spacers. One or two-way variants are generated by elbow segments or sealing flange. All rotary joint configurations are also manufactured in stainless steel. The individual connecting parts required by the customer are always available and are adapted to the basic body of the rotary joint.