#Industry News
These Items Around You Are Endangering Your Health
With the development of the times, people attach more and more importance to health. Many people maintain their health through fitness, eating health products, etc. However, without realizing it, the items you come into contact with every day may also be endangering your health. Do you know which products around you are endangering your health? Do you know what harm these harmful substances pose to us? Now, let's take a look at which toxic products may exist around us.
Look around you for solder, glass, PVC, switches, springs, connectors, casings, PCBs, contacts, batteries, temperature controllers, sensors, switches and relays, and light bulbs; Flame retardants, connectors, flame retardants, plastic shells, and other products. We are exposed to and use these products every day, but many people do not know which harmful substances are present in these products and what harm they can cause to our bodies.