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#Industry News

Longwan District Party Committee leaders visit Hengfengtai inspection guidance

Company development

On November 21, 2023, Zhang Shaobo, Standing Committee member and deputy governor of Longwan District Party Committee of Wenzhou City, Chen Xuezhi, Chief prosecutor of Longwan District People's Procuratorate of Wenzhou City, and other leaders visited Hengfengtai for inspection and guidance, accompanied by the New District Economic Development Bureau, Longwan District Emergency Management Bureau, Longwan District Fire rescue Brigade and other units in charge. Chairman Ye Shengkang expressed a warm welcome to the leaders, and personally accompanied Zhang Shaobo Standing Committee, Chief prosecutor Chen Xuezhi and other leaders to visit the company's workshop and product exhibition hall.

Subsequently, in the product exhibition hall, Ye Dong introduced the technology and application of various products to the leaders in detail. Over the years, Hengfengtai has focused on the field of...


  • Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Hengfengtai Precision Machinery Co.,Ltd