#Product Trends
HORIBA Scientific Expands FluoroMax Series with New FluoroMax Plus
The new FluoroMax Plus expands on the already class-leading capabilities of our FluoroMax series with the option of a second detector and two position grating turret, providing an extended range out to 1650 nm, and TCSPC performance down to 25 ps. The higher sensitivity offered by FluoroMax Plus enables faster measurement of weaker and smaller samples.
“The FluoroMax Plus was designed for maximum versatility while retaining the convenience of a benchtop unit,” said Ishai Nir, Director of Fluorescence at HORIBA Scientific. “With the expanded choice of detectors and gratings, many new experiments are now possible using the FluoroMax series.”
HORIBA Scientific offers a broad range of gratings, detectors, and accessories for the FluoroMax series to fit any research application needs. These include measurement of solid and liquid samples, high throughput screening, cryogenic or elevated temperatures, absolute quantum yields, microliter volumes, and even micron-scale measurements with a fiber optic coupling to a microscope.