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#Industry News

Standards for Scrapping Crane Parts and Components

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Crane Parts and Component Scrapping Standards - Simple Overview

Cranes, used for lifting and moving heavy loads, have various components that wear out over time due to their constant use. To ensure safety and efficiency, it's crucial to understand when to replace worn-out parts. Below are the key scrapping standards for crane components:

Hook: Scrapped if cracked, deformed, or worn by 10% or more, or if the opening exceeds 15% of the original size.

Forged Hook: Must be replaced if cracked or if wear reaches 10% at the working section, or if the opening widens by 15%.

Pulley: Scrapped if the groove wall is worn by 20%, if there are severe cracks, or if the flange is damaged.

Brake Wheel: If worn by more than 40% (lifting) or 50% (running) of its original thickness, or if there are deep claw marks or cracks.

Main Beam: After severe sagging or multiple cracks, it may be scrapped after safety assessments.

Wheel: Scrapped if cracked or if the tread or flange is worn by more than 50% of its original thickness.

Wire Rope: Should be replaced if damaged or if there is significant wear.

Regular inspections and timely replacements help ensure that cranes operate safely and efficiently.


  • Henan, China

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