#Product Trends
HRS: hydrogen refueling stations compatible with the European Union's AFIR regulation
High capacity hydrogen station
The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) adopted by the European Union sets out a roadmap for the deployment of hydrogen refueling infrastructure.
To achieve carbon neutrality, 1 ton/day hydrogen stations have to be deployed for heavy-duty mobility (700 bar) every 200 km along the TEN-T network in Europe by 2030.
HRS40 hydrogen station, 700-bar and-350 bar compatible, has a daily capacity of 1 ton H2 / day.
HRS hydrogen refueling stations are currently deployed in France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Germany, and will soon be deployed in Italy and Portugal.
With 27 stations installed by the end of 2024, HRS hydrogen refueling solutions are operational and tested, they offer an availability rate of over 95%.
Compatible with all types of hydrogen mobility, they have the advantage of being scalable and adaptable to all types of hydrogen source: pipeline, tube trailer, carbon-free hydrogen produced on site by electrolysis, etc.
In line with the specifications of the AFIR regulation, HRS provides proven solutions in line with European policies in favour of low-carbon mobility.