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How to simplify gas detector maintenance

How to simplify gas detector maintenance

You’re responsible for maintaining the lifesaving safety equipment that your workers depend on. We know that’s an important, challenging, and often overlooked job.

It can be difficult to know when there is an issue, what the issue is, how long it could take to fix it, and how much it will cost. Maintenance quickly becomes a costly headache.

Because gas detector maintenance is so critical to worker safety, you need an efficient and effective maintenance plan.

Eliminate gas detector maintenance pains with iNet® Exchange.

Our all-inclusive gas detection maintenance program uses a docking station to determine when your monitors will need repairs, then automatically ships you a replacement. When you receive the replacement, all you have to do is send back the old one. It's fast, easy, and eliminates downtime.


  • 11d Rue Willy Brandt, 62000 Arras, France
  • Valentine Fauchard, Market Development Representative EMEA