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#Industry News

Transition to cellular manufacturing processes made possible for manufacturer of composite parts with IONA

The goal of this transition was to achieve the flexibility required to meet the ever-evolving demands of manufacturing today, whilst maintaining volume output and efficiencies, and reducing costs.

Manufacturing composite components for automotive applications typically follows one of two approaches; a low-volume, high-mix process (usually manual), or a high-volume, low-mix process (usually automated).

A manufacturer of composite parts for automotive applications (Manufacturer X) recognised the increasing desire for more customisable solutions. As this customisation was required in parts that were typically manufactured using high-volume processes, they sought to transition from a traditional production line to a cellular manufacturing process.

In a cellular manufacturing process, machines are grouped together based on the type of work they perform. This allows for a more efficient use of space and resources, and it also makes it easier to track and manage the production process. Cellular manufacturing processes also enable manufacturers to produce a variety of parts on the same machine making the process more flexible and able to deliver more customised products and outcomes.

The goal of this transition was to achieve the flexibility required to meet the ever-evolving demands of manufacturing today, whilst maintaining volume output and efficiencies, and reducing costs.


  • Bristol And Bath Science Park, Westerleigh Rd, Emersons Green, Bristol BS16 7FS, UK
  • Insphere Ltd