#Product Trends
Suitability of PPB and PPB WR MiniPID 2 Sensors and TERA PM Sensors for Engineers within the HVAC Industry
Particulate matter pollution is an enormous problem all across the world, especially for engineers within the HVAC industry.
As the HVAC system draws in outdoor air to supply the building, particulate matter can easily pollute the air inside. The only way to ensure HVAC systems are ventilated properly throughout the building and ensure worker safety is through air quality monitoring sensors, such as the Next PM. air sensing technology
Unlike particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals usually emitted by materials and products indoors. VOC concentrations can be reduced through indoor source control, replacing certain products with low-emitting alternatives. However, the most efficient way to manage VOCs inside buildings is by adding an air quality sensor to the ventilation system, providing the optimal detection accuracy of VOCs in ambient air.
As the global gas sensing leader with more than 30 years of experience in the gas sensing industry, ION Science has provided customers with solutions to combat VOCs through our PPB and PPB WR MiniPID sensors.
The MiniPID 2 PPB gas sensor is optimized to deliver an exceptionally low background which allows for optimum low-end sensitivity whilst maintaining a wide dynamic range. Virtually insensitive to humidity changes, this VOC gas sensor provides unparalleled performance in the HVAC industry.
The PPB gas sensor is a simple plug-and-play sensor able to deliver a dynamic and dependable response to thousands of VOCs. Designed for both diffusive and in-line pumped sampling, it delivers exceptional response time and clear down. The PPB gas sensor incorporates lamps of exceptional brightness and stability enabling the detection of less volatile and less readily sensed compounds reliably, over an extended period of time.
ION Science’s PPB WR MiniPID 2 gas sensor offers the same benefits as the MiniPID 2 PPB gas sensor but goes even further in its detection range. While the PPB sensor has a 0-40 ppm detection range, the PPB WR sensor is able to have a detection range greater than 200 ppm. air sensing technology
ION Science recently announced the addition of a high-specification Particulate Matter (PM) sensor to its portfolio, Next PM. NextPM is the latest innovation from TERA Sensor, a company by Groupe TERA, designed for use in a variety of applications, such as the HVAC industry. It is the most advanced particle measurement solution available on the market, featuring advanced technical innovations that enable ultra-precise measurements to be obtained, even in extreme climatic conditions. Providing real-time PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 measurements in both µg/m3 and pcs/L, the sensor offers better measurements when compared to some alternatives on the market, which are only able to estimate PM 2.5 and PM 10.
NextPM has been independently verified by South Coast AQMD as the world’s best-performing, low-cost particulate sensor, ensuring high performance across a wide range of applications and environments.
TERA and ION are aligned in their mission of delivering innovative sensors, backed by unrivaled integration support and service, as well as their vision of preserving the environment through better air quality and protecting lives.
To learn more about ION Science’s MiniPID 2 PPB and PPB WR sensors, Next PM, or other top-of-the-line technologies to protect engineers within the HVAC industry, contact our team today at info@ionscienceusa.com and +1 (877) 864-7710. air sensing technology