#White Papers
Exceeding Safety Standards for Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety Scientists
ION Science offers Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety Scientists various products to ensure their safety while out in the field.
Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety Scientists undertake surveys and evaluate risks to health in the workplace by accurately measuring levels of exposure. Concerned with controlling health risks in practical and cost-effective ways, Occupational Hygienists must assess and resolve practical problems that involve looking at the short and long-term health effects, caused by both acute and chronic exposure to hazards and toxic gases.
Gases are often measured through precise specialist equipment that records data to let Occupational Hygienists and companies realize the potential risks within their operations, and how to best exceed legislative requirements and maintain worker safety. It is preferable to remove the risks completely or change ways of working, but if this is not practicably achievable, personal protective equipment (PPE) is often used as part of control measures. This also needs checking and maintenance because if it fails, it no longer provides protection and exposes the wearer to danger.
Portable gas detectors are classed as PPE, designed to keep personnel safe from gas hazards and allow mobile testing of locations before they are entered. These small devices are essential in many areas where gas hazards could occur because they are the only means of monitoring an operator’s breathing zone continuously, while stationary or moving. Personal gas detectors are also classed as PPE, keeping workers safe from atmospheric hazards like portable detectors by continuously monitoring the user’s breathing zone while operating at close range to the user. More lightweight than portable options, this wearable option takes another step in safety for Occupational Hygienists in any field environment.
ION Science is a leading manufacturer of technologically advanced gas detection equipment and OEM PID gas sensors, with over 30 years of experience. The portfolio of instruments, including the portable ARA series with the ARA Dock bump test and calibration station can test up to 4 ARA detectors simultaneously reducing gas usage and testing time. Other handheld detectors include the CUB and Tiger XT PPE product lines, which utilize our market-leading photoionization technology—capable of detecting extremely low levels of volatile organic compound (VOC) gases.
Our fixed gas detection systems, such as the Falco and Titan, are great to have when Occupational Hygienists are monitoring the safety of a site. The Falco fixed VOC detector is available as either a pumped or diffused model and currently has five detection ranges available to choose from, most suited to your application. The Titan fixed benzene gas monitoring system is wall-mounted with a dynamic monitor range of 0 – 20 ppm with 0.1 ppm sensitivity to benzene. Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety Scientists can also utilize ION Science’s TVOC 2, a robust fixed continuous VOC gas detector that has a selectable detection range of 0 – 10 ppm, 0 – 100 ppm or 0 – 1000 ppm, ideal for use in manufacturing and process industries.
The designers and developers of gas detection instruments and systems perform a vital role in supporting organizations to fulfill their duty of care and avoid the disastrous effects of failing to protect workspaces from dangerous levels of toxic and explosive gases. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) help their customers to lower risk, and as such cannot utilize unproven or low-cost sensors that could increase risk. For this reason, ION Science’s mission is to provide premium quality, highly accurate sensors that are the most reliable in the world.
For most PID sensor manufacturers, sensitivity to contamination and humidity is a major challenge, but these issues have been resolved within ION’s MiniPID sensor range. This is one of the main reasons behind ION’s position as the largest PID sensor manufacturer in the world. All MiniPID sensors have a third electrode that nullifies potential humidity interference, delivering a stable signal from 0 – 99% RH.
The sensitivity of PID sensors is extremely important in many applications; particularly where the sensors are deployed in the measurement of trace VOCs. Recognizing the importance of this feature, ION’s MiniPID range includes the most sensitive PID in the world.
Reliability is a critically important feature of sensors that lower health and safety risks. Uniquely, ION’s MiniPIDs incorporate an ASIC chip, which continuously monitors lamp and sensor performance, providing fail-safe assurance of sensor performance. The ASIC also manages the sensor to give exceptional temperature stability from -40 to +65 degrees Celsius.
OEMs looking for a cost-effective, efficient opportunity to test and integrate ION’s MiniPID sensors into their application are able to utilize ION’s sensor development kit (SDK), which includes a sensor PCB, an integration PCB and a gas delivery hood.
To see ION Science’s full range of gas detectors and sensors, and to understand more about how we help Occupational & Environmental Health and Safety Scientists, visit the ION Science at booth 936 at the AlHce 2023 Expo. For additional information, visit our gas detectors and sensors pages for product-related content or contact our team today at info@ionscienceusa.com and +1 (877) 864-7710.