#Industry News
Distinguish the types of environmental hazardous gases
1. Determine the presence of environmental hazardous gases
CLASSⅠ(Flammable Gases, Vapors or Liquids)
Area Classification
Division 1:
Where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids can exist all of the time or some of the time under normal operating conditions.
Division 2:
Where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids are not likely to exist under normal operating conditions.
Zone 0:
where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids are present continuously or for long periods of time under normal operating conditions.
Zone 1:
Where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids are likely to exist under normal operating conditions.
where ignitable concentrations of flammable gases, vapors or liquids are not likely to exist under normal operation conditions.
2. Distinguish the types of environmental hazardous gases
Division 1 and 2 Zone 0, 1 and 2
A(acetylene) IIC (acetylene & hydrogen)
B (hydrogen) IIC (acetylene & hydrogen)
C (ethylene) IIB (ethylene)
D (propane) IIA (propane)
3. Telephone max. surface temperature(less than gas ignition temperature)
Temperature classes
Division 1 and 2: Zone 0, 1 and 2:
T1 (≤450°C) T1 (≤450°C)
T2 (≤300°C) T2 (≤300°C)
T2A (≤280°C) -
T2B (≤260°C) -
T2C (≤230°C) -
T2D (≤215°C) -
T3 (≤200°C) T3 (≤200°C)
T3A (≤180°C) -
T3B (≤165°C) -
T3C (≤160°C) -
T4 (≤135°C) T4 (≤135°C)
T4A (≤120°C) -
T5 (≤100°C) T5 (≤100°C)
T6 (≤85°C) T6 (≤85°C)
4. Equipment protection methods and corresponding marks
4.1 International Protection Techniques (Equipment Protection Levels) 4.2 North American Protection Techniques
• Intrinsic safety,"ia"(Ga)
• Encapsulation,"ma"(Ga) or
"m" for CAN
• Class I,Div 1 intrinsic safety
• Intrinsic safety
• Explosionproof
• Purged/pressurized (Type X or Y)
• Any Class I, Zone 0 technique
• Flameproof,"d"(Gb)
• Pressurization,"px" or "py"(Gb)
or "p" fo4 CAN
• Powder filling,"q" (Gb)
• Oil immersion,"o" (Gb)
• Increased safety,"e"(Gb)
• Intrinsic safety,"ib"(Gb)
• Encapsulation, "mb" (Gb) or
"m" for CAN
• Any Zone 0 technique
• Any Class I, Div 1 technique
• Hermetically-sealed
• Non-incendive
• Non-sparking
• Purged / pressurized (Type Z)
• Sealed
• Any Class I, Division 1 technique
• Any Class I, Zone 0,1 or 2 technique
• Pressurization,"pz"(Gc) or
"n" for CAN
• Intrinsic safety,"ic"(Gc) or
"n" for CAN
• Encapsulated,"nC"(Gc)
• Enclosed-break,"nC"(Gc)
• Energy-limited,"nL"(Gc)
• Hermetically-sealed,"nC"(Gc)
• Non-incendive,"nC"(Gc)
• Non-sparking,"nA"(Gc)
• Restricted breathing,"nR"(Gc)
• Sealed,"nC"(Gc)
• Encapsulation,"mc"(Gc) or
"n" for CAN
• Any Zone 0 or 1 technique
• Any Class 1, Div 1 or 2 technique
5. Determine the presence of dust
CLASⅡ(Combustible Dusts)
Area Classification
Where ignitable concentrations of combustible dust can exist all of the time or some of the time under normal operating conditions.
Division 2:
Where ignitable concentrations of combustible dust are not likely to exist under normal operating conditions.
Zone 20:
Where ignitable concentrations of combustible dust or ignitable fibers/flyings are present continuously or for long periods of time under normal operating conditions.
Zone 21:
Where ignitable concentrations of combustible dust or ignitable fibers/flyings are likely to exist under normal operating conditions.
Zone 22:
Where ignitable concentrations of combustible dust or ignitable fibers/flyings are not likely to exist under normal operating conditions.
6. Distinguish the type of dust
Division 1 and 2: Zone 20, 21 and 22:
E (metal dust - Div. 1 only) IIIC (conductive dust)
F (carbonaceous dust) IIIB (non-conductive dust)
G (non-conductive dust) IIIB (non-conductive dust)
- IIA (combustible flyings)
7. Telephone Max. Surface Temperature
Temperature Classes
Division 1 and 2: Zone 20, 21 and 22:
T1 (≤ 450°C) None.
T2 (≤ 300°C) ----------------------------
T2A (≤ 280°C) Note: For Zone 20, 21
T2B (≤ 260°C) and 22, equipment
T2C (≤ 230°C) shall be marked to
T2D (≤ 215°C) show the operating
T3 (≤ 200°C) temperature
T3A (≤ 180°C) (maximum surface
T3B (≤ 165°C) temperature)
T3C (≤ 160°C)
T4 (≤ 135°C)
T4A (≤ 120°C)
T5 (≤ 100°C)
T6 (≤ 85°C)
8. Equipment protection methods and corresponding marks
8.1 International Protection Techniques (Equipment Protection Levels)
Zone 20:
• Enclosure, "ta" (Da)
• Intrinsic safety, "ia" (Da)
• Encapsulation, "ma" (Da)
• Any Class II, Div 1 technique
8.2 North American Protection Techniques
• Intrinsic safety
• Dust-ignitionproof
• Pressurized
• Any Zone 20 technique
• Enclosure, "tb" (Db) or "t" for USA
• Pressurization, "p" (Db)
• Intrinsic safety, "ib" (Db)
• Encapsulation, "mb" (Db)
• Any Zone 20 technique
• Any Class II, Div 1 technique
• Dust-tight
• Hermetically-sealed
• Non-incendive
• Pressurized
• Sealed
• Any Class II, Division 1 technique
• Any Zone 20, 21 or 22 technique
Zone 22:
• Enclosure, "tc" (Dc)
• Pressurization, "p" (Dc)
• Intrinsic safety, "ic" (Dc)
• Encapsulation, "mc" (Dc)
• Any Zone 20 or 21 technique
• Any Class II, Div 1 or 2 technique
Explosion-proof area classification reference
FOR EXAMPLE( Explosion poof telephone certification standard)
II 2G Ex eb ib [ib Gb] mb IIC T6 Gb
II 2D Ex ib [ib Db] tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66
II: for surface industry
2: Permitted in Zone 1 and Zone 21
G: gas
D: dust
Ex: Denotes explosion protection
eb: Increased safety
tb: Enclosure protection
ib Gb: Intrinsic safety
ib Db: Intrinsic safety
mb: Encapsulation
ib: Intrinsic safety
IIC: acetylene & hydrogen
IIIC: conductive dust
T6: equipment surface temperature ≤85°C
IP66: ingress protection standard