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#Industry News

An expensive material cutting equipment of choice - AOL CNC cutting equipment

AOL CNC cutting equipment uses CAD and CAM technology to solve some problems

When production is controlled by computerized shape nesting (rather than by hand-marking templates), material yields, waste minimization, and associated disposal costs are immediately and significantly improved.

When combined with the speed and precision of CNC cutting technology, manufacturers can effectively replace the manual cutting work of several employees, ultimately reducing labor costs (and associated benefits, medical and administrative costs).

CAD software with enhanced material nesting algorithms and tighter cutting tolerances allows for accurate, consistent and fast cutting of parts, increasing overall throughput and production flexibility. This in turn reduces the number of people and real estate required for production.

Basically, more production, more speed, fewer people and errors, and less waste going to landfill — not to mention cost savings in all of the above.

AOL CNC cutting equipment


  • Jinan, Shandong, China