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Achieving The Necessary Precision And Tolerance In The Mold Frame Is Critical For Producing High-Quality New Energy Vehicle Components

Achieving The Necessary Precision And Tolerance In The Mold Frame Is Critical For Producing High-Quality New Energy Vehicle Components

The precision and tolerance of the mold frame for the rear warehouse left-right structure of a new energy vehicle are crucial factors in ensuring the quality and consistency of the manufactured vehicle components. Here's a more detailed explanation of these characteristics:


Dimensional Accuracy: The mold frame must be manufactured with extreme precision to achieve the desired dimensional accuracy in the final vehicle components. This means that the frame's dimensions and geometry should match the design specifications precisely.

Surface Finish: The surfaces of the mold frame should be smooth and free from imperfections. Any irregularities on the mold frame's surface can transfer to the components, leading to imperfections in the final product.


Tight Tolerances: The mold frame should maintain tight tolerances, which are the allowable variations in dimensions or positions. For example, if a component is designed to be 100 millimeters long with a tolerance of ±0.1 millimeters, the mold frame must ensure that the component falls within this range.

Consistency: Tolerance control is vital to ensure consistent quality across multiple vehicle components. It helps prevent variations in component dimensions, which can affect assembly and performance.

Material Stability:

Material Expansion and Contraction: The mold frame material should have minimal expansion and contraction properties, especially when exposed to temperature variations during the manufacturing process. This ensures that the frame's dimensions remain stable during operation.

Thermal Management: Some mold frames may incorporate thermal management systems to control temperature and minimize heat-induced dimensional changes.

Measurement and Inspection:

Quality Control: Regular inspection and measurement of the mold frame's dimensions are essential to verify that it meets the specified tolerances. Advanced metrology tools, such as coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), are often used for this purpose.

Adjustability: Some mold frames may have provisions for adjustment to fine-tune their dimensions. This allows for on-the-fly corrections if deviations are detected during production.

Material Selection:

High-Quality Materials: The choice of materials for the mold frame should be based on their stability and resistance to wear over time. Materials that maintain their dimensional stability under manufacturing conditions are preferred.

Achieving the necessary precision and tolerance in the mold frame is critical for producing high-quality new energy vehicle components. These characteristics ensure that vehicle structures are consistent, safe, and fit together correctly during assembly, contributing to the overall performance and reliability of the vehicle.


  • Changxing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China
  • Kejia (Changxing) Mold Base Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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