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Case Study: Kemisan Technology Supports The Fight Against Ebola in Africa

As Kemisan, we proudly support the non-profit organization Amici Di Marco Onlus which is an active part of a project fighting ebola virus in northwest Africa. The project aims to expand the disinfection culture throughout Guinea Bissau, Senegal,Mali

The Ebola Virus

Ebola virus disease is a serious viral infection that originated in sub-Saharan Africa. The disease was first identified in 1976 in a village near the Ebola River from which it takes its name. The epidemic was taken under control immediately but unfortunately, it reappeared after 40 years, in 2014, in the western part of the African Continent. The epidemic spread out in March in Guinea Conakry, expanding to Sierra Leone, Liberia and with less intensity to Nigeria. Up to September 2015, more than 25.000 people have been infected, out of which the deaths caused by Ebola Virus are exceeding the number of 12.000.

Although the virus has slowed down its spreading and the contagious cases have drastically decreased, it is still present especially in Guinea Conakry, causing the nearby countries to increase the protection measures.

Even if it is clear that the epidemic risk will slowly disappear, the level of attention shall not be reduced since, even in areas that were declared Ebola-free, the epidemic suddenly reappeared.

The Fight Against Ebola

The project was initially created with the aim to fight the epidemic in Guinea Bissau region in 2014 by Caritas Guinea Bissau (the Catholic Church’s worldwide charity organization) and has progressively expanded to Caritas Senegal and Caritas Mali.

It aims to involve all the Catholic Church organizations into a process of sanitization and prevention of the risks caused by the Ebola Virus, so to distribute proper hygienic means to avoid or to at least reduce the risks of contamination. The project focuses on all people of these regions mentioned above; regardless of religious believes, ethnicity, or social status. Using the opportunity of having ten disinfection centers equipped with Kemisan’s HypoX® on-site mix oxidant generator spread out in the above countries, the target of the project has been enlarged to a stable education for disinfection routine in public places, communities and finally the routine life of the families.

The Campaign of Communication and Teaching in Cooperation with the Ministry of Health

The campaign started in the first months of 2015 with a specific education program focusing on the prevention of the epidemic. The education structure was prepared by the medical structure of Caritas for the coordinators of the Parishes and for the teachers of Private Schools that are part of the project.

The coordinators and the teachers educated the sanitizers of every Parish and School in order for them to educate communities and families.

The elements of this campaign included education campaigns, sanitization, communication, community animation about Ebola (practically showing what and how to do); basic hygiene principles; prevention principles and methodology.

The on-site production of disinfectant

This step was brought into action by the non-profit organization Amici di Marco Onlus with the help of Kemisan’s innovative technology: HypoX® on-site mix oxidant generator.

Amici di Marco Onlus has been cooperating with PIME Guinea Bissau (the Pontifical Institute of the Foreign Missions) and the organization donated several units of Kemisan’s HypoX® generator to produce on-site sodium hypochlorite.

Sodium hypochlorite, produced via an electrochemical process, is one of the strongest disinfectant known worldwide, showing the highest disinfection efficiency, superior to any other chlorine derivative; easy to be produced on-site even in remote areas (need only salt and electric power by the net or directly by photovoltaic panels). It is used as a disinfectant in hospitals, first aid centers, communities, schools, for babies' hygiene, for food treatment, for domestic hygiene, for drinking water disinfection.

HypoX® Effect in Northwest Africa

HypoX®units that have been donated by Amici di Marco Onlus are the basis of his "Hygienic Praesidium" project that has been carried on in Africa for 5 years. The efficiency of HypoX® remains unchanged for 2 to 3 weeks, enough to make easy utilization programs.

Our new tech generators produce a mix of sodium hypochlorite, hypochlorous acid, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone that makes available the most efficient disinfectant, at least 10 times more efficient of the commercial sodium hypochlorite.

Once the project launched Amici di Marco made sure that our units were immediately available and coordinated the manufacturing and the supply of the additional units required.

The total number of HypoX®units manufactured for the project up to September 2015 is 75 (23 to Guinea Bissau, 17 to Senegal, 33 to Mali, 2 to Togo) and after 2015 additional 41 units more manufactured and shipped for. Each of the units produces 50 liters of sodium hypochlorite solution in 5-6 hours at 5 gram per liter of active chlorine, the highest strength required by hospital protocols.

By the end of the year 2018, Amici di Marco reached achieved 116 units installed and operating mainly in African countries at the service of the people: Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Togo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Republic of Congo, Niger, Burkina Faso, Madagascar.

With the final step of the project (Strengthening of the Sanitary System) no cases of contamination occurred so far in Guinea Bissau, Senegal or Mali. A great motivation for all of us to continue pursuing the project.

Case Study: Kemisan Technology Supports The Fight Against Ebola in Africa


  • İzmir, Turkey
  • Kemisan Klor-Alkali A.Ş.