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#Industry News

What is compost and why is it important

To produce quality compost it is necessary to respect some important rules.

What is compost and why is it important

Compost is a material similar to soil, but with the difference that it is made up of rich nutrients for the soil. This precious material derives from the process of decomposition of organic waste by enzymes, small microorganisms.

These microorganisms absorb the energy necessary for their metabolic activities and activate a series of biochemical reactions that release substances such as water, carbon dioxide, mineral salts and humus.

To produce quality compost it is necessary to respect some important rules.

If you are approaching compost production for the first time, here are some of the most common questions.

What waste can be used for composting?

scraps and leftovers: fruit and vegetable peels, meat and pasta scraps, tea or coffee grounds, egg shells;

vegetable and garden waste: dry leaves, small prunings, herbs, flowers;

any biodegradable and compostable product certified according to UNI EN 13432.

What waste can NOT be used for composting?

metal objects, glass, wood, plastic;

medical waste, diapers (including compostable), dirty handkerchiefs;

branches, large bones, coconut shells.

What are the advantages of producing compost locally for us?

reduce the volume of waste produced by 1/3;

reduce the travel of collection workers by 1/3,

reduce energy consumption by 1/3 and therefore reduce pollution and costs.

What are the environmental benefits of producing compost at home?

compost returns organic carbon to the soil. The increase in organic substance in the soil contributes to absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus reducing the greenhouse effect in the short-medium term;

reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. (High quantities of organic material are sent to landfill or incineration.)

reduce emissions. According to estimates by the CIC (the Italian Composting Consortium), 2.04 million tonnes of compost were produced in 2018, which made it possible to store 600,000 tonnes of organic substance in the soil and save 3.8 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent/year compared to when starting in landfill;

improve soil fertility. The use of compost can help improve the health of the soil and replace the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

increase the water retention capacity of the soil. By improving the soil's ability to retain water, it increases its resistance to periods of drought, erosion and desertification.

Why use an electromechanical composter to produce compost?

Thanks to Komposta's electromechanical composters you will be able to process large volumes of organic waste (from 10 to 250 kg per day) and transform them into useful compost in a very short time.


  • Via Villa Ardente Alta, 64020 Bellante TE, Italy
  • Komposta SBRL