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#Product Trends

TMS delivered to Greece, Ghana, and Iceland

With over 450 systems installed around the globe, the TMS system sets the standards in transformer monitoring.

Our Transformer Monitoring System (TMS) was delivered to facilities in Greece, Ghana, and Iceland. TMS is successfully monitoring over 450 transformers in 33 countries over the globe. Delivered TMS systems will be used to help our clients improve asset management and prevent critical equipment from unplanned shutdowns.

Transformer monitoring system is an object-oriented system (SCADA system – process-oriented system). It provides insight into the state of a transformer and its real-time service conditions. The system uses several key functions such as:

- Measurement of quantities

- Estimations based on measured values and transformer data (algorithms)

- Comparison of current and initial values (trends)

- Comparison of current values with those obtained from a model (model monitoring)


  • Fallerovo šetalište, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
  • KONČAR - Electrical Engineering Institute, Inc.
