#Industry News
Damping Technology for SPACE PROJECT “ARIANE”
Special design of the S-Type industrial shock absorber made by LEBEN
Special Shock Reducing & Vibration Absorbing ElementsLEBEN-Dämpfungstechnik GmbH was engaged to develop and produce a hydraulic buffer to protect the support structure of the Ariane (ESA) space rocket body.
A special construction of the industrial shock absorber “S-type” (COMPENSER®) with the following characteristics was chosen.
Corrosion protection class: C5 H (material used: stainless steel)
Mounting element: eye on both sides including spherical bearing
Brief information about the space project “Ariane” of the European Space Agency (ESA):
The Ariane 6 is a European launch vehicle from the Ariane series and is designed for a payload of 5 t to 11.5 t in the GTO.1]The final decision on its construction was taken at the ESA Ministerial Council on 2 December 20142] and awarded the development contract on August 12, 2015 to the Airbus Safran Launchers (ASL) joint venture – since July 1, 2017 ArianeGroup.3]Following the meeting of the ESA Council on April 17, 2019, Arianespace placed an order for the production of the first 14 Ariane 6.4]The first flight was planned for the end of 2020 before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and is postponed to the second half of 2021.5]
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariane_6