#Product Trends
Automatic sorting materials station
The new sorting material unit has been planned to create an automatic connection between the pipes loading station presses and the pipes of the various materials coming from storage areas.
It allows the distribution of more materials from the storage areas up to the presses guaranteeing the absolute absence of pollution between materials, and with the identification of the same according to the set program.
The distribution unit with Touch Sys system is a very flexible unit that allows the distribution of multiple materials to multiple machines using an electro-pneumatic system with Cartesian axes.
The collector has been made for not having any stagnation of grain between changing of stations/materials, its position on the central part let it off from any contamination between one aspiration and the other.
It's equipped by air compressed automatic cleaning, which is activated in the final stage of the cleaning conduit cycle: in order to ensure total absence of micro dust that may become stagnant.
The simplicity of components and of the type of chosen activations, ensure reliability and precision over time without causing unpleasant machine stops and total absence of lubricant.
The linear sliding rail for the pipes holder plates are arranged by rectified steel rails with high yield by means of special self lubricating bearings for the sliding elements. These allow to work dry without lubrication, have a high resistance to wear and are not sensitive to collisions and vibrations.
This automatic sorting system allows also the transport of warm and dehumidified materials with closed loop system, using the conduit clearing valves with interception of material.
The connection between a pickup station and a molding machine is achieved by using two movable plates parallel with a coupler pipe, these plates are moved using pneumatic stem cylinder, the position of the plates is carefully monitored and controlled to ensure the perfect alignment.
The selection and the alignment of coupler is done at high speed and in a silent way, each movement is precisely controller using transducers.
The system can be used for the all material and also technopolymers, the model of mobile coupling ensures that no grain or dust can escape between connections.
A touch screen controller PLC is used to control the operation of the control unit and the pneumatic transport system; makes it easy to use the integration of all Main Tech equipments.