#Trade Shows & Events
X-Ray Diffraction Virtual User Group Meeting Spring 2020
Virtual User Group May 29th, 2020
We are pleased to announce the X-Ray Diffraction User Group Meeting Spring 2020! This initiative is an effort to foster the sharing of knowledge and experience between our support group and those researchers that regularly evaluate x-ray diffraction from the Empyrean, Cubix, Aeris, and X’Pert systems. In this meeting, we will focus on ways to optimize analysis workflow and working with large numbers of datasets in HighScore Plus software.
The meeting will be live-streamed and is limited to 2 hours with a 10-minute intermission. A recording will be available. In addition to presentations by our expert panel, we welcome questions in advance, please contact mike.hawkridge@malvernpanalytical.com with questions. Example data files and a demo copy of HighScore Plus can be provided after the event if you would like to follow the examples shown.