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#Industry News

mbo Osswald Webshop

Find the item you need in the new mbo Osswald Webshop – fast and efficiently

We’re launching our new Webshop just in time for the exhibition Motek 2017. From today, you can order our proven, high-quality, mechanical linking technology products and a wide range of services around the clock.

We focused on two main factors when creating our Website – implementing specific market requirements and responding to your customer feedback. This has resulted in a website system which is intuitive and user-friendly – and it also offers you many real advantages, in contrast to the conventional ordering method. These advantages include:

- Batch size 1

- Immediate information about availability and delivery time

- Product-specific price advantages

- No minimum quantity surcharges

- Enormous range of variants presented quickly and clearly

- Comprehensive technical documentation including 3D models

And here’s something special for our 50th anniversary – you can now configure one of our most versatile primary products right in our online shop, specifically customized to your requirements: the DIN bolt!

This means you can get information about dimensions, price and delivery time within a very short timeframe – and if you need the bolt quickly, we’ll send it to our machines right away – without the usual friction losses during conventional quotation and order processing.

However, our competent and friendly service is still available for you ‘offline’ – as always!

We’re looking forward to your visit at!

About mbo Osswald

mbo Osswald is a leading supplier of linking technology. At the Kuelsheim-Steinbach site, 70 employees manufacture more than 12,000 standard parts and are specialists in the production of individual drawing parts to meet specific customer requirements.


Standard parts: Clevises, clevis joints, bolts, retainers, angle joints, ball sockets, ball studs, axial joints, rod ends, pivoting bearings, knuckle eyes, cardan joints, machine elements

Precision turned parts / drawing parts / job order production

Product development

mbo – Systematic solutions for linking technology


  • Steingasse 13, 97900 Külsheim, Germany
  • mbo Oßwald GmbH & Co KG
