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Miniature/high precision spring-loaded LVDT Displacement sensor

MDL44 with 8mm diameter, zirconia contact tip and option of DC or AC output,


LVDT’s are one of the most commonly used linear position feedback systems and are largely used in industrial monitoring and control applications. An LVDT can increase the overall performance of the system by providing better control over measurement. LVDT’s also offer absolute measurement capabilities. In other words, if the physical position of the rod is held during shut down, the signal from the LVDT at power up will be the same. This feature - together with its ability to providing accurate linear feedback makes this transducer an excellent design choice whenever a component travels linearly and requires precision monitoring.


The MDL44 series LVDT’s from MeasureX is a miniature, linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) technology based displacement sensor, suitable for dynamic automation and research applications. It also delivers great flexibility and reliability in addition to having low hysteresis and excellent repeatability. The probe head of the MDL44 is made from, which is resistant to abrasion and provides high levels of durability and wear resistance.

It is available in displacement ranges from 0-2mm to 0-8mm, with an optional output of AC or DC analogue (mA or V). it can be used to perform displacement measure in industrial applications that require a high level of accuracy. The standard non-linearity is 0.25% FS. However, it is optionally available with a non-linearity of 0.1% FS. It has an excellent repeatability of less than 1 µm. This 8mm diameter miniature type displacement gauge offers ultra-precise measurement in a wide variety of Q.C, SPC, and industrial metrology applications.

MLD44 Applications

The MLD44 is ideal for a variety of long-term applications, including:

● Flatness, roundness, cylindricity, concentricity and runout measurement

● Inspection and quality control systems in aerospace, automotive and rail industries

● Automation Power turbines and manufacturing process control systems

● Research projects, medical equipment and scientific instrumentation

The main aim of all the application engineers today is to use precision sensors in the smallest possible space with increased emphasis placed on accuracy and durability. MDL series LVDT’s from MeasureX comes in handy in such scenarios and are an excellent option for position control in constrained spaces.

At MeasureX, we offer several options for displacement sensors which our customers require for various industrial applications. Our displacement sensors are designed to be low-error and feature reliable designs. MeasureX has also delivered many customizations to our customers for a reasonable cost within the specifications required for every project.

To learn more about the high precision MLD44 and other Displacement Sensors that we offer, visit us online at or send an email to


  • Melbourne VIC 3004, Australia
  • Dingley