#Product Trends
M142 Multifunction Calibrator 15 ppm
M142 Multifunction calibrator is accurate source of AC/DC voltage and current with application focused to calibration laboratories and instrumentation. It is designed for calibrations of meters of electric quantities.
Basic function of the calibrator is generating of accurate electric quantities, especially AC and DC voltage and current. Range of the voltage is from 0 mV to 1000 V, range of current is from 0 mA do 30 A. When 50-turns current coil Option 140-50 is applied, current range can be extended to 1000 A for clamp ammeters calibrations. Best accuracy on DC voltage function is 15 ppm, 250 ppm on AC voltage, 130 ppm on DC current and 550 ppm on AC current. Maximal frequency range covers band 20 Hz to 100 kHz.
Except current and voltage the calibrator offers function of simulated electric power and energy, sometimes called “phantom” power. Electric power can be set in voltage range to 240 V and in current range to 20 A, both AC and DC and in AC mode with settable phase shift between voltage and current. The phase shift can be expressed either in degrees or as power factor. Electric power function can be applied for calibration of wattmeters, electric power transducers, PF meters. Electric energy function application field is focused to energy meters testing. The calibrator is equipped with two modes of frequency function. The functions enable calibration of scopes in frequency range to 20 MHz offering square weave signal with calibrated amplitude, frequency and duty cycle ratio.
For application field of temperature the calibrator offers simulation of RTD and TC temperature sensors. The calibrator can simulate the most frequently used thermocouple sensors of type R, S, B, J, T, E, K, N. Cold junction compensation can be performed either manually by entering from front panel keyboard or automatically using Option 140-01 cable adapter. The cable adapter has build in Pt100 sensor which senses ambient temperature and which can compensate precisely the cold junction influence. Both Pt and Ni resistance sensors can be simulated in full temperature range. Accuracy of simulated RTD sensors is from 0.04 °C to 0.5 °C, and of TC sensors from 0.4 °C do 4.3 °C.
Built in process multimeter offers directly measure and calibrate response of various types of electric quantity transducers, sourcing them with calibrated signal and sensing their output simultaneously.