#Product Trends
Large format ceiling fans from 3 to 7m in diameter - MEGA AXIAL MANN
Large format ceiling fans; energy saving and ideal temperature
This type of fans, which provide significant energy savings, are characterized by having large diameter blades that generate an air flow of 12,000 to 529,000 m³ / h. In addition, thanks to their automation they adapt to the different environmental situations with which we can find ourselves.
How large-format ceiling fans work
The ceiling fans of large format stand out for meeting different objectives depending on the time of year in which we are. During the winter, its function is to lower and homogenize the stratified hot air in the ceiling, thus reducing the heating needs of the room or premises.
The main advantages they bring us during the cold months are:
· Immediate reduction of energy requirements by more than 30%
· 20% reduction in the relative humidity of the environment
· Elimination of condensation
· General reduction of the maintenance of structures
· Improves the work attitude when being in a comfortable environment
· Increased comfort, safety and productivity
In the hot seasons, however, in rooms or premises without fans, there is a progressive destratification of the hot air downwards, with high humidity. A microclimate with a very annoying sensitive heat is created, especially in commercial and industrial spaces, which affects the work effectiveness and well-being of workers and customers.
With the use of large-format fans, the ambient temperature does not vary, but relative humidity and when creating an air breeze, the sensible temperature drops to an average of between 4 to 6 ° C.
It is also possible to use this type of large-format ventilation systems as a complement to air conditioning systems
During the summer months, the main advantages of these systems are:
· Decrease in sensitive temperature
· Reduction of relative humidity
· Constant air movement
· Reduction in installation costs and management of air conditioning equipment
· Improvement of air conditioning systems
· Increased comfort, safety and productivity
In terms of operation, large format fans allow automatic activation by automatic controls. Through these controls, based on software, the machines are activated when the environment really needs it.
The fan ignites spontaneously when the two sensors, located one of them in the upper part of the room or room and the other one meter from the ground, detect a pre-set ΔΤ between the temperatures perceived by the two probes. In this way, the system will start only if there is a need to de-stratify, adapting the rotation speed according to the information received through the two sensors.
Types of ceiling fans depending on the area to be ventilated
Today there are different ranges of de-stratifiers and ventilators on the market that include models designed and measured for various applications and environments where the correct placement of the ceiling fan is possible. Thus, there are fans for different types of spaces:
· Fans for small spaces such as school facilities, offices with open spaces, meeting rooms ... This type of space requires a constant movement of air since they are usually crowded spaces. They are installed at a minimum ground clearance of about 3.7 m.
· Ventilators for medium / small spaces such as restaurants, lofts, small industries ... They are fans that provide an air flow higher than the previous one to solve environmental problems similar to the previous ones. They are installed at a minimum ground clearance of 4 m.
· Ventilators for medium-sized spaces such as gymnasiums, banquet halls, greenhouses, shopping centers ... These environments require where, in addition to temperature and humidity, the success of the activity plays a vital role. They are installed at a minimum distance of 4 m. Tall.
· Fans for large spaces such as industrial warehouses, hypermarkets, convention buildings ... This type of space requires units that can generate large flows and offer a wide coverage. They are installed at a minimum ground height of 5 m.
· Fans for very large spaces such as train stations, airports, warehouses, shopping centers and, in short, spaces that require the units with the highest performance in air flow and in the area they cover, reaching more than 600 m² of coverage.