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#Industry News

Eighty years of Confindustria Pistoia: M.G.M. Motori Elettrici honored for its role among founding members

Eighty years of Confindustria Pistoia: M.G.M. Motori Elettrici honored for its role among founding members

Great celebration in Pistoia, at the Confindustria headquarters, to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Association. For this occasion, representatives of the founding companies gathered at the Palazzo di Piazza Garibaldi, companies that, 80 years later, continue to operate successfully in international markets. They are the children or grandchildren of those who signed the founding act and have always remained members of the association. Also present were former presidents or, in many cases, their families.

The ceremony took place in the “Carlo Ghieri” hall, named after the founder of M.G.M. Motori Elettrici S.p.A.

Greetings were also extended to the attendees by the Mayor of Pistoia Alessandro Tomasi and the President of the Pistoia and Prato Chamber of Commerce Dalila Mazzi.

It was in 1944 when a group of entrepreneurs, with the rubble of bombings still piled up on the sides of the streets, gathered to decide to re-establish the industrialists’ association of the province. The old Association, which had existed since the 1920s, had been completely destroyed: its headquarters were devastated, and documents and records had been burned. Everything had to be started from scratch in a city in ruins and a country defeated by the war.

Many of these entrepreneurs had to rebuild their businesses with few certainties and limited resources but with a strong desire to restart. They managed to push forward with courage and at a time when Italy needed rebuilding, they, together with their collaborators, worked with dedication and total commitment, contributing to the rebirth of our country.

Among the entrepreneurs who signed the founding act of the association was Corrado Ghieri, who, together with his children, relaunched the family business that, just a few years later, would become M.G.M. Motori Elettrici S.p.A.


  • 51030 Serravalle Pistoiese, Province of Pistoia, Italy
  • M.G.M. Motori Elettrici S.p.A.