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#Product Trends

300W High-efficient Half-BRICK AC/DC Power Supply - LBH300-13Bxx Series

300W High-efficient Half-BRICK AC/DC Power Supply - LBH300-13Bxx Series

MORNSUN recently launched the LBH300-13Bxx, a new addition to its AC/DC BRICK power supplies LBH series. This series is specifically designed to offer high-efficiency power supply in a half-brick package, catering to various applications, particularly in the telecom industry. This compact, high-efficiency, and environmentally friendly power supply is ideal for harsh environments with significant temperature variations and limited space availability. It can be widely used in various industries such as wireless technology, instrumentation testing, server, computer, semiconductor, and many other scenarios.


  • Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
  • MORNSUN Guangzhou Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.