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#Industry News

Hose Guard High Temeprature Sleeve Thermal Conductivity

Hose Protector Fire Sleeve Thermal Conductivity

What is thermal conductivity? The thermal conductivity refers to the heat transferred through an area of 1m2 in 1s (not 1H) in a 1m thick material with a temperature difference of 1 degree (k, ℃) on both sides of the surface under the condition of stable heat transfer. The unit is watt / meter · degree (w / (m · k), where k can be replaced by ℃.

The thermal conductivity of different substances is different; the thermal conductivity of the same substance is related to its own structure, density, humidity, temperature, pressure and other factors. It is also related to the state of matter.

Is the bigger the thermal conductivity the better or the smaller? If it’s a heat dissipating material, the bigger the better. If it’s a heat insulating material, the smaller the better. The lower the thermal conductivity, the better the heat preservation.

High Temperature Hose Sleeve Firesleeve with a thermal conductivity of 0.13w/m · degree (w / (m · K), is a good high temperature resistant insulation material. High Temperature Hose Sleeve Firesleeve is used to protect hydraulic hoses, pipes, cables and wires as well as other key components from high temperature, sparks and direct flame. Molten metal splashes deflect at 1200 ℃, while providing constant thermal protection at 560 ℃.

Hose Insulation Protection Sleeve


  • Xuancheng, Anhui, China
  • Ningguo BST Thermal Products Co.,Ltd