#Product Trends
NO-NAIL BOXES optimizes your export packaging
The solidity of our transport packaging resides in their design. The layers of plywood crossing at 90° make them extremely solid. The strips of coated steel increase the resistance of our boxes.
The collapsible plywood boxes of NO-NAIL BOXES are resistant to:
- stacking: our crates, subjected to compression tests, are resistant to stacking up to 11 tons ;
- difficult transport situations: the combination of steel and plywood makes them solid enough to withstand any situation. The design makes them ineffective to dropping ;
- Theft attempts: the combination of resistant materials and our interlocking systems make our boxes impregnable. They can also be sealed.
- bad conditions: the plywood resists extreme variations in temperature. The precision with which it is cut and the quality of the assembly system guarantees the boxes are watertight.
Please contact us for further information about our collapsible wooden crates.