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#Product Trends

Rotary Position Sensing

Hall, Hall with GMR Effect or Potentiometer?

Regardless of which functional principle - in order to prove itself in everyday industrial life, an angle sensor should meet at least four important criteria: It must be mechanically robust, provide sufficient protection against environmental influences and can be installed both electrically and mechanically uncomplicated. Only the sum of these properties determines whether a measuring principle can be used successfully in practice

Potentiometric and non-contact angle sensors are available in a wide variety of variants and sizes, starting with inexpensive versions in plastic housings up to heavy-duty solutions in robust metal housings. Depending on the area of application and requirements, the user can choose between different measuring principles even with the same housing design.

Conventional conductive plastic potentiometer for example the series SP-2800 convince in many applications by their good price / performance ratio. These sensors with resistance and collector track made of conductive plastic convert the angle of rotation into a proportional voltage. The independently

resilient precious metal multi-finger wiper ensures a reliable contact. The potentiometer can be fully rotated mechanically, the electrical working angle is a maximum of 340 degrees. Even under the toughest operating conditions, life expectancy is around 50 million revolutions.

For high-frequency or constantly spinning operation the user usually offers better advice with contactless measuring methods. For angle of rotation between 30 and 360 degrees, the contactless sensor of the series RSC-2800, in simple and redundant form, is almost predestined.The basic functionality is easy to understand: A magnet is attached on the shaft and depending on the angle of rotation changes the orientation of the magnetic field and thus the signals of opposite sensor element. This signal change convertes within the sensor IC into a rotation angle proportional analog signal. The sensor has an internal resolution of 0.1 ° and an independent linearity of typ. +/- 0.3 %.

Contactless multiturn sensors of the RSM-2800 series, for example, use the GMR effect (giant magneto-resistance) in addition to the Hall effect. They provide absolute position values, require no reference signals and do not need a power supply or buffer battery to detect the revolutions. The measuring range is up to 16 revolutions; measurements are output as SPI or SSI signals.


  • Horbstraße 12, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany
  • Novotechnik Messwertaufnehmer OHGinfo
