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#Product Trends

NEW: spraying machine / concrete by Ocmer co s.r.l.

The new OCMER OCM-036 UNICA is a rotor machine able to process wet & dry concrete mixes with effective output range from 1 to 5 cubic metres/h

Its main destination is to execute restoration and consolidation projects by applying sprayed concrete linings. It can be naturally also used to convey pea-gravel and humus soil besides refractory mixes.It has been specifically developed to be employed even with stiff wet mixes having minimum slump up to 12-14 cm. The great machine’s flexibility both in terms of workable mixes and outputs ranges allows a very wide field of applications. The machine can be finally supplied in its DOSA version with an integrated synchronized dosing unit for the liquid quick setting chemical admixtures.


  • Ocmer co s.r.l.
