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#Product Trends

CANopen remote I/O network adapter been ready

CANopen remote I/O network adapter been ready

Now we have released CN-8021, the CANopen network adapter in the market!

CANopen is an open and flexible high-level protocol with more and more applications.

Based on the CAN bus, it combines low cost and high performance, and provides an attractive distributed control solution for industrial automation, medical devices, public transportation, elevators, maritime electronics, and other applications.

CN-8021 details:

It could support max 128 PDO, 64 TPDO, and 64 RPDO.

CANopen Node ID supports the value ranges from 1 ~ 99.

CANopen conforms to DS301 and DS401 standards.

The bus communication baud rate is from 10Kbps ~ 1Mbps.

It supports NMT, PDO, SDO, Heartbeat and SYNC.

It could use physical switches to control terminal resistance access, baud rate, slave address and other parameters.

WTP: -40~85℃


  • Sichuan, China
  • ODOT Automation

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