#Product Trends
CAB 56: 10.000 storage spaces in a new automated warehouse for long goods
Rising numbers of cooperative member numbers and increasing demand on the total distribution performance as well as a need for an increase of the warehouse storage space, especially for laminates, particle boards and construction materials prompted CAB 56 to expand the existing distribution warehouse. An interface between the warehouse management software to the in house ERP-system will further enhance the performance and also allow a better monitoring of the entire order management process. In total CAB 56 is investing approximately 7 million Euros in the project.
The new warehouse consists of two areas. In the first area wooden product such as Laminates, MDF and chipboard panels of different formats are stored in a 3 lane storage zone. This is made up of cantilever racking with a height of 14,5 meters: each run fitted with up to 35 arm levels are accessed by a fully automated Köttgen stacker crane. This handles panel packages of up to 5.1 meters in length, 2.07 meters width and of 3 tons weight. 2 meter long arms of the cantilever rack provide bay loads of up to 9,600 kg per side.
The second zone is allocated to of building materials – from gypsum board through to technical products such as timber rafters and metal profiles. Eight aisles are serviced by two high bay stacker cranes which can be operated fully automated or, as necessary, on a “man to goods” semi-automated basis for small order picking.
OHRA planned the full warehouse concept in a period of just seven months and was awarded the contract in June 2011. It is estimated that the warehouse will go into operation in the first half of 2012.