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#Product Trends

SAMYLABS ALBA 300+ : A new model for a new revolution

The new SAMYLABS ALBA 300+ is here: the most compact metal 3D printer on the market.

“Additive manufacturing by the melting of metal powder with a laser allows us to do things that cannot be achieved with any other technology.” This is how Jon Martínez, CTO of SAMYLABS, describes it.

3D printing has a great impact in sectors such as aerospace, automotive, consumer products, government and defence, health, industrial machinery and education. In this context, Samylabs is at an important juncture after the launch of the new ALBA 300+ model, which has significant improvements compared to the previous model. Versatility in material handling and adaptability to the medical sector, in addition to an expanded printing volume are some of the advantages that the model offers.

New features of the new model SAMYLABS ALBA 300+

New work tank

It incorporates a larger work tank (Ø 200mm x H 250mm) that increases the printing volume, allowing the creation of larger, more complex partswith exceptional precision.

SAMYLABS ALBA 300+ can handle a wide variety of materials, including stainless steel, aluminum, cobalt chrome, Inconel and C300 steel.

For advanced medical applications

Adapted for the medical sector with new applications thanks to the parameterisation ofgrade 23 titanium. New possibilities open up in the manufacturing of medical components, taking advantage of the unique properties of this material to achieve exceptional results.

More and more companies and centers are betting on the power of SAMYLABS ALBA 300+ additive

A high-quality, economically competitive option, the optimised size, ergonomic and easy to maintain, its own one-time payment software and its own highpower laser control system making this the perfect option for any project and requirement. This has been confirmed by a variety of customers, with FUNDACIÓ PRIVADA CENTER CIM, CETEMET (CENTRO TECN. METALMECÁNICO Y DEL TRANSPORT), AIDIMME, FEMPA and Jorcar 2009, S.L. in Spain, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH in Austria, and INOXFORM KFT in Hungary choosing the new model.

A collaboration of ONA together with SAMYLABS that seeks the democratisation of metal 3D printing. Our commitment to providing additive technology for everyone and to continue making progress in order to respond to the demanding requirements of all types of industries.


  • Durango, Biscay, Spain