#Product Trends
NEW: cylindrical roller brush by Osborn International
Osborn non-woven rolls are used in all cold strip lines and rolling mills for steel, aluminum, stainless steel and non-ferrous metals. Among them are pickling and annealing lines, coating process, cleaning and degreasing lines, as well as skin-pass mills. They can have totally different functions such as bridle rolls, tension rolls, steering rolls or deflector rolls, as braking and squeezing rolls, as oiling/applicator rolls, tension, transporting or carrying rolls.
Product advantages: The spongy character in combination with the large pore volume makes the material highly compressible, resistant to cuts and it can absorb small particles of residue, oil and grease. The surface itself stays mainly free of contamination and so ensures a high-quality manufacturing process.
Osborn has a value-add-cooperation with company NCCM, River Falls (WI/USA) for manufacturing and service of high-tech Non-Woven Mill Rolls. Since 2009 NCCM has the exclusive rights to the original premier yellow non-woven material from 3M Company anywhere in the world. NCCM own a unique technology in the manfacturing of roll coverings using the original 3M high-tech material. The NCCM Premier Yellow Neutral Mill Rolls are top-quality and have a lifetime which is up to 100 times higher than common rubber rolls. Further advantages: Under pressure an adhesion effect occurs in the area where sheet and roll touch each other. When the pressure is decreased, a capillary or suction effect occurs, which reduces the amount of residual moisture that is present in squeezing applications.
Osborn Non-Woven Rolls outperform PU- or rubber rolls, minimize downtime and have a 30% longer service life than non-woven rolls.