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#Product Trends

NEW Oxywise Nitrogen generator

Nitrogen generators are available in 20 standard models with capacity in the range from 0,4 - 1100 Nm3/hour from 95% to 99.9995% purity. Oxywise PSA generators are designed for 24/7 operation. The touchscreen control has user friendly interface with automatic start/stop function based on gas consumption.

The Technology

Nitrogen Generator consist of two columns filled with carbon molecular sieve (CMS). Pre-treated compressed air enters the active column and follows up through the CMS. Oxygen and the other gases are being adsorbed while the nitrogen passes through. The active column is pressurized. When pressure is released, column becomes inactive and completely regenerate. In order to secure steady flow nitrogen generator is built from two columns; one is active while the other is inactive. At the end of cycle they switch roles.


  • Oxywise, s.r.o.
