#Product Trends
Palazzani Spiders for the Kuwait Cancer Center
Two Spiders TSJ 35, crawler and Bi-energy power option, were delivered to the Kuwait Cancer Center - Kuwait City in May.
The Kuwait Cancer Center i s a comprehensive center dedicated to the purpose of providing Cancer Care across the State of Kuwait. This project will be located adjacent to the existing KCC facility within the Shuwaikh Medical District.
The new 618 bed facility will be built to the latest modern health care specifications in order to maximize patient recovery and medical staff performance. The 15 story building includes radiology, surgery, laboratories, pharmacy, physiotherapy and psychology.
The design considers environmental aspects, and aims to achieve the silver rating requirements of the US Green Building Council’s LEED rating system. The sustainability of the interior design relies on natural light, views, and selection of materials. The South façade, which has the most continuous sun exposure; has deeper shading to protect its glazed areas. Exterior shades are being designed to maintain generous views to the outside.
“Green roofs” are also introduced to provide improved views to patients and staff. The atrium roof has likewise been adjusted with “green roof” areas to allow for a better connection to nature for patients on upper floors. The open space available on site and the courtyards adjacent to the atrium space will provide an exterior shaded area off of the main interior spaces in the hospital. In addition shaded areas are being provided for patients and staff to rest while they are waiting to be picked up. All these features will create a facility which will promote healing through technology and nature, with limited adverse effect to the environment.
Two Palazzani Spider Lifts TSJ 35 have been supplied with crawler and Bi-energy engine (Diesel + AC) for both the last phase of construction and the future maintenance of this complex of buildings. 35 m working height and 14.5 m outreach, with 230 kg of maximum capacity in the 180x70x110 cm basket. The stowed dimensions (7.65 m long x 2.33 m high) are an essential aspect to get machines moving towards corridors and from an area to another.